How much is 5 g tube of cream in the USA? $600+. How about a generic? This is a generic. Zovirax, brand medicine, is $900+. In Poland? Around 2 dollars, without prescription.
Leave a CommentCategory: Politics
Trump stank less of death and shit that than both Billary and Bribem.
Leave a CommentThe privileged and governing classes had at least $21 trillion stashed off shore in 2012. Noone with offshore millions are feeling any real pain.
1 CommentAll the nurses were in N95 masks even in a normal maternity ward. It inspired us to create a photo in our masks taking Aurélien home.
Leave a CommentIronically intolerance cannot be tolerated. Intolerance is a self-feeding fire which quickly turns into a funeral pyre.
Leave a CommentUK rail operators are businesses who took a business risk by bidding on and taking on these franchises. Let them sink.
Leave a CommentCalifornia is not bankrupt. Western capitalism, more particularly in its self-dealing US version, is bankrupt.
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How Covid-19 vaccines work and why you probably don’t want the injection
You are hijacking your own cells to stimulate your immune system to attack and fight, potentially resulting in an immune inflammation response or permanent auto-immune disease
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