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Category: Dance

Music Rights, Grand Rights and Music Publishers: IMZ primer for Dance and Opera Arts Producers

Why should flexibility in Grand Rights negotiation necessarily result in poor quality productions.Such specious arguments suggest again that there are too many lawyers to feed here and that we are a long way from the composers.The next music publisher up at bat, Thomas Tietze of Bärehnheiter Germany points out that producers and publishers should not see one another as enemies but that open communication requires flexibility Czech composer Zbynek Mateju recounts that he had had problems with my own work…. The system must change from flat fees per country to a percentage of what the producer receives.Otherwise, Hungarian TV offers $1K for rebroadcast but since the music publisher wants $2K no sale can be made and it is impossible to get these works shown in smaller countries.In Dr. Moritz’s opinion, license fees are not the barrier now, but publishers’ fees.Chris Hunt head of Digital Classics in the UK sent in a written statement: of the thousands of hours of programming for which Digital Classics own the rights for there are hundreds of hours with Grand Rights attached.

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