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Category: Dance

Who attends Dance (in America at least): Expanding Dance Audiences

Chicago Tribune | The selling of dance:Who attends dance performances?The Chicago Community Trust, with help from Prince Charitable Trusts, funded research that focused on the local dance audience…. A look inside the demographics of “dance attenders,” or those who have attend-ed one or more professional dance performances in the last year.71% are female (29 percent male).56 years old, on average.77% are white (12 percent Latino, 7 percent Black).63% are urban dwellers (37 percent live in suburbs).59% took dance classes growing up.60% do artistic or creative activities themselves.The number in there which really surprised me is that sixty per cent of those who attend dance, practiced at one point or another.

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absence | dance film preview

in the meantime, i must tell and tell well my tale of urbanisation, alienation and civilisation.

A girl raised by rabbits. When she reaches the age of eighteen, the rabbits gather and tell her she must go to rejoin her people. And Anna-Lapin sets out bravely for the city. In the distance she can see the great white tower in its center and heads there in the hope of finding new companionship among humankind.

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degas sculpture | the emperor has no clothes – again

visited the AGO today for the last day of the degas bronze scuplture exhibition. loathesome work. the degression of scuplture since the greeks is astonishing. of course, i love rodin’s work. the power of his bronzes. the scale of the work. but degas’ work in scuplture is largely an afterthought. he only created one bronze for exhibit in his lifetime, la danseuse à quatorze ans. all the rest are fabrications. another sculptor went in and working on the basis of wax and plasticine models of dancers created by degas for his paintings. why would degas create these things if not…

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