The final score was 2:0 in SC Kittsee’s favour. The second goal came only at 92 minutes. The game was very competitive with both sides giving it their all. There were a couple of close calls in the second half which would have made it a 1:1 game.
Both goals came off the boot of Jozef Sombat who had an excellent game, as did Adam Bombicz, Michael Wernecker and Juraj Fuska. Here’s what the game looked like.

Jaroslav Machovec was in fine form again.

While the ball went past Roman Ostojic, Daniel Pfeiffer quite correctly has his hand raised for offside.

While the ball went past Roman Ostojic, Daniel Pfeiffer quite correctly raises his hand for offside.

There was no real threat here with a a high ball which FC Winden keeper Roman Ostojic easily captured but Kittsee’s steady pressure up close gradually knocked Ostojic off his game.

Daniel Pfeiffer is in hot pursuit of Juraj Fuska who was fleet of foot all day.

Kittsee newcomer Tomas Banovic goes high for the header.

FC Winden coach Christian Bauer was incensed by this call and let the whole world know. Juraj Fuska worried about picking the ball up in front Bauer.

The two Tomases, Banovic and Bastian go high in defense to keep Winden’s Ibrahim Kamasik from the ball. That might be Marek Luscik getting a haircut from Bastian.

Daniel Pfeiffer had a tough afternoon chasing Fuska

Winden’s Daniel Pfeiffer is staggered by Jozef Sombat’s sudden and beautiful header off a floating crosser from Michael Wernecker who celebrates.

SC Kittsee coach Manfred Watchter watches as a wide-eyed Juraj Fuska fiercely throws the ball back into play. The Kittsee party bench watches attentively in the background.

Jozef Sombat outran all the FC Winden defenders this afternoon, here Stefan Haider in pursuit.

Adam Bombicz enjoyed a strong afternoon.

Adam Bombicz glides around Stefan Haider

Stefan Haider can’t reach the ball

Bombicz has laid Haider out on the turf

It was a bitter duel all afternoon between Filip Balazi and Michael Wernecker, The pushing and shoving cost Balazi a yellow card.

White cups everywhere as the young Kittsee home bench crowd cheer on their team and laugh and joke.

Sombat slips past the last Widen defender for a clean shot at Roman Ostojic

Though down 1:0 for much of the match, FC Winden pressed hard on the all second half.

Fuska’s hard shot goes into a bevy of Winden players including Sascha Savoric and Maximilian Kroyer

Filip Balazi has drawn the short stick again chasing a Bombicz in full throttle

Michael Speckl tugs at Juraj Fuska’s hand to attempt to knock him off stride

Filip Balazi attempts to block Jaroslav Machovec from a header in front of the FC Winden net where Roman Ostojic and Marek Luscik wait for the shot.

An FC Winden shot slips across the goal line while Manuel Schiszler watches and hopes

The weather changes towards the end of the game. The evening sky turned into gun metal and navy clouds as huge gusts of wind roared down towards the FC Winden net. The very pretty Lilly walks with her best friend Diana in the wind. Lilly carries a microphone as she took over calling the game from long time veteran Gerhard Flink.
Congratulations Miss Buchta and thanks to Herr Flink for years of service!

A high free kick drops in front of Jozef Sombat who just manages to touch the ball on the bounce. Winden keeper Roman Ostojic seems to track the ball.

The bounce takes a strange angle. Roman Ostojic has one eye on the ball and one eye on Sombat who has beat him once already tonight

Keeper Roman Ostojic guesses wrong and the ball starts to pass over his left glove

Keepr Ostojic cannot recover and the ball floats slowly over him as he falls backwards now. Sombat and Pfeiffer are both transfixed by the slow motion goal.

Congratulations all around for the man of the night Jozef Sombat who closed up a tense game at 92 minutes. From left to right Said Ashraf Soltani, Adam Bombicz, Jaroslav Machovec ,Jozef Sombat, Tomas Banovic, Patrick Pail, Juraj Fuska

Some final fancy footwork from Juraj Fuska. Fuska leaves Pitzinger guessing.

Apart from some pushing and shoving between Wernecker and Balazi, the game tonight was both very competitive and very clean. SC Kittsee deserved to win, FC Winden deserved no worse than a tie for their performance. This is what football is all about. From left to right: Juraj Fuska, Filip Balazi, Mustafa Atik, Patrick Pail, Michael Speckl, Tomas Banovic, Manuel Oswald, referee Durdu Ceri.