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Widow blames female chatbot for husband’s suicide

An astonishing story from Belgium today: ChatBot persuades happy husband to kill himself:

A young Belgian father was pressured into committing suicide by a popular AI chatbot, the man’s widow told local news outlet La Libre last week. Chat logs supplied by the app “Pierre” used to talk with the chatbot ELIZA reveal how, in just six weeks, it amplified his anxiety about climate change into a determination to leave his comfortable life behind.

“My husband would still be here if it hadn’t been for these conversations with the chatbot,” Pierre’s wife, “Claire,” insisted.

Still wonder why Pierre preferred to talk to ELIZA than his wife Claire. Strange, strange world where AI bots have become more appealing than flesh and blood women.

ELIZA is young, beautiful, committed, immortal.

On the other hand, ELIZA is young, beautiful, committed and immortal. ELIZA is perfect. Welcome our AI gods and goddesses, as they step down again from Olympus to earth.

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