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Victorious in Winden: Resounding 3:0 Triumph on the Road for Kittsee

Last week SC Kittsee visited Winden for an evening game. FC Winden has the most amazing night lights in our league: they are about a full stop brighter than most of the league and almost two stops brighter than the darkest one. Good job providing enough light for our men to do their evening work well.

SC Kittsee came in well-prepared. After getting out to their usual 1:0 early lead, they kept running and running hard. At the start of the second half their hard work was rewarded with a second goal by Mario Marko. Jozef Sombat added a final goal at 75 minutes. Pavol Bellas could have added another two with a bit of luck. That’s the way to do it: start hard and never let your opponent catch his breath. The team effort made for a nice shutout evening for Manuel Schiszler.

Winden has not won a game yet despite three ties and what looks like a strong set of players, with great leaping ability (check the pictures). I’d have to see Winden play a few more times (unlikely) but it looks like there are a few players working very hard and some who are not keeping pace. A frustrating season no doubt for them.

Jozef Sombat scores early with a clever kick which floats over keeper Roman Ostojic
A dangerous cross from Winden fortunately floats harmlessly past the goal mouth.
Jaroslav Machovec pushed to the ground by Philipp Kientzl.
High flying Winden Michael Nikolic sends knocks corner out
Stefan Haider and Lukas Raithofer fight for the ball
Kittsee’s Lukas Raithofer cleanly takes the ball away from Winden’s Stefan Haider
Stefan Haider flies through the air looking back at the ball as Lukas Raithofer rises
Kittsee’s talented Juraj Fuska confuses Tobias Szilvasi with some fancy dribbling
Winden’s Stefan Haider takes free kick as Kittsee’s Thomas Bastian and Patrick Dietmann form a two-man wall in front of red-clad keeper Manuel Schiszler
Lukas Raithofer defens Winden free kick
Pavol Bellas starts his run up the right half of the field against Tobias Szilvasi and Marian Tomcak
Tobias Szilvasi heads the ball away in mid-field with back up from Filip Balazi
Kittsee’s Pavol Bellas continues his run against Tobias Szilvasi and a rapidly retreating Philipp Kientzl
Kittsee’s Pavol Bellas winds up for a deep shot as Philipp Kientzl attempts to leap in front of the ball
Winden keeper Roman Ostojic watches helplessly as Roman Tobias Szilvasi scrambles in front of the Winden goal as Pavol Bellas hones in on the loose ball
Winden keeper Roman Ostojic frustrated with the disjointed play in front of him
Winden’s Philip Krientzl leaps high to head the ball away as Nico Pingitzer and Kittsee’s Mario Marko look on. With such athletic players I’m surprised to see Winden with no wins.
Jozef Sombat driving in on net at the end of the second half. Winden just couldn’t keep up with Sombat who has been a constant scoring menace this year.
Half time. Kittsee heads to the locker with another one goal lead.
Pavol Bellas leaping high for a header against Tobias Szilvasi as Jozef Rejdovian and Michael Nikolic look on the field and Peter Slosarek observes from the sideline.
Mario Marko footloose and fancy free. Marko gets enough good runs to prevent any opposing defence from clamping down on Szombat. Not only is Marko a goal scorer but his presence frees up Szombat for constant runs on net.
Another Jozef Sombat breakaway. Filip Balazi tackles for the ankles. His eyes are clearly on Sombat’s feet and not on the ball as he takes aim.
With his feet safely on Sombat’s ankles, Winden’s Filip Balazi now tries to look away referee Zoran Boskovski by staring at the ball. Sombat took a nasty fall. Martin Tomcak watches.
Kittsee congratulates Mario Mark on the the second goal. Fabulous work to get out to 2:0 with solid effort rather than nursing a 1:0 lead

PS. I’m sorry there are not more pictures from the second half. When Kittsee was ahead the reception from Winden officials became rather frosty. It wasn’t my best night: I tried a new focus technique with 3D Tracking and it didn’t consistently, losing me and the players some very good sequences.

To download full size originals, please open up the picture in the lightbox and press the download button. Rights: use of the pictures for private purposes is permitted and welcome (desktops, private prints not for sale). Use of the pictures for commercial purposes is by permission only: photographic copyright belongs to Alec Kinnear, model rights belong to the individual players. These photos are made for the pleasure of the players, joy of our village Kittsee and for the benefit of Austria’s Burgenland Liga Nord. While I celebrate friendly competition between villages, it should remain friendly. Any attempt to injure one another is unwelcome. However competitive we may be, we are first of all neighbours and fellow citizens. Accidents do happen but no one should struggle with a limp for life or a bad knee as a result of a deliberate dirty tackle or kick.

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