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Category: Impulstanz

ImPulsTanz 2009: Alice Chauchat – The Love Piece

The Love Piece is one of the more unique pieces in the 2009 ImPulsTanz festival: it is entirely experiential and completely different every time it is played and for every participant.

The creators and cast of The Love Piece provide an environment and a context and the rest is up to you.

alice chauchat the love piece 028
The Love Piece: Where it all happens

The experience for the most part is positive, but as I wrote the quality of your experience depends mainly on you and what you bring to that evening.

Here’s what the program says about the piece. This much is public knowledge:

The Love Piece unfolds along a loose score that can described as: there as many audience members as performers. As they come in, audience members are each taken by the ahand by a performer, who for the duration of the show ‘give love’ to his/her audience. What such a love can be, is the stake of the piece. Love songs are playing the whole time.

There are just 10 performers – so very few people had the opportunity to experience The Love Piece. I was one of that fortunate 100 and will reveal the details to you about my own visit.

*** SPOILERS FOLLOW – PLEASE DO not read farther ***
*** if you expect to attend The Love piece personally ***

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