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Category: Politics

Who Would Jesus Bomb?

“Every day I am inundated with email forwards, usually from church members, extolling the virtues of our nation’s leaders and the current war….They’re the ones that are always sending me these emails about how wonderful it is to bomb cities full of women and children because of a lie.


Secret Service and Barrack Obama and The New Deal

Found a great weblog today. Infrequent posts (fortunately more frequent than the ones at La Vie Viennoise since I got lost in my business in Slovakia in the last six months) but good ones. Items you may wish to read: The implosion of the music business beginning strangely with F.D. Roosevelt’s New Deal and Peter Drucker’s management analyss. The article concludes with case studies of Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails and Peter Gabriel discussing in a serious way what might replace it. Despite any claims about deceased actors who snoozed through their Alzheimer’s dementia in the White House, the Soviet Union…

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YouTube Censorship

While working on some WordPress plugins, I found some unbelievable news about abuse of copyright over on YouTube. From the world’s biggest pirate, YouTube has become an unbearable censor of personal expression and free communication. Chris Pederson’s private videos of motor racing were taken down – and he got some nasty legal notifications. However, in the last year I have had three videos removed by YouTube for copyright infringement under the DMCA. Videos The three videos are all of outdoor sporting events filmed as a spectator: two of motor racing at Brands Hatch in England and one of the Red…


Women’s Life in Modern Society: the sad post-feminist reality

With my girlfriend the other night we were just talking about the raw deal modern women have.Pre-feminism, a woman would have to bear and raise the children, take care of the house.Post-feminism, what has changed?A woman has to bear and raise the children, take care of the house and”Snatched from the Jaws of Victory: Feminism Then and Now” by Paula Rothenberg Once upon a time the personal really was political…. How convenient for capitalist patriarchy that young women today think that dressing like every man’s sex fantasy is a sign of their liberation and that the women’s movement was all about getting the right to choose and had nothing to do with making hard decisions about what values and what social vision should be reflected in our choices.I remember well the sexual revolution of the 1960s.