The best set of the night was played by the beautiful and ethereal Gaby…. Met another beautiful girl there as well Fiat Lux!
1 CommentCategory: Photography
Here are some photos from Weichnachstklänge im Märchenland – 24 December 2005 – Quantum Album Release Party…. Much more relaxed than the Sunday Chai in Flex the next night on the 25th.
2 CommentsHere is a photoset from the Saturday night goatrance party at the WUK in Vienna. The party was Finstere Zeiten.
Leave a CommentWhile some of the companies have provided excellent pictures which correspond to the show at hand – Opéra de Paris, Etienne Guilloteau, Jan Lauwers to name a few – others have offered pictures which have little or nothing to do with the stage performance…. While I understand these dance companies would like to protect their image, at the very least there should be an official Impulstanz photographer shooting every show in rehearsal and offering the company director or manager to approve or disapprove shots from the rehearsal photo session.
4 CommentsThe main bar.
Leave a CommentAfter the Marie Chouinard show, there was a lovely party. At the party, the music was also Bach.
1 CommentLately the weather has been quite dire. But the skies have been beautiful.
Leave a CommentThe same Neue Donau where I often swim is a conduit right past the city which keeps the city entirely safe from flooding…. The strangest thing to see on televis was in the towns where the entire centre of the town has been flooded out again for the second time in five years, people are complaining about their houses and businesses being flooded and the losses.
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