Helgenplatz in Vienna in the late afternoon is one of the last places to go dark at sunset. And one of the most beautiful. People come to relax and just sit on the very green grass.
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Vienna is one of the most beautifully lit cities in the world at night. The scale of the architecture is majestic and lit well at night one feels that one is wandering through the 19th century on the night of a great ball.
Leave a CommentThe OBB conductors are very nice but those working in Westbahnhof seem to be chosen for their mediocre command of English or any other foreign language (most Austrians speak English very well). The selection process is calculated to increase the frustration to unbearable levels for all involved. In Westbahnhof, there is one window for local train information (second floor – also serves as baggage storate and lost and found), another bank of windows for local ticket purchase, and a third bank of windows for international purchase and international information. Heavens forbid you confound the function of each bank of windows, as none will give any information but that assigned to their domain.
Leave a Commentstrange how life can turn out. my best friend in vienna is the best friend of my once and future princess (aka, ex-girlfriend). confusing? both of them are called anna. i see anna more than anna. here we are together in my favorite late night hangout in vienna. it’s called alt wien and is one of the few cafés open really late in vienna. closing hours are variable, says anna, depending on the humour of the waiters and ambience, but on this wednesday night we were there until three-thirty in the morning, recounting mutual tales of romantic woe and exploring…