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DJane Gaby at WUK

The last good goaparty I went to was in February. This last while I’ve just been deluged with work. I took some pictures but not as many as I usually do. The decoration was fabulous at Fiat Lux! – Es werde Licht. People were wonderschön. Lots of friends and acquaintances.



The best set of the night was played by the beautiful and ethereal Gaby. What was amazing was as she played she danced, playing the music for herself and the crowd. It was almost like a live-set, she hit the mood so well.





I thought what a beautiful Austrian girl – no, DJane Gaby is Slovenian. Met another beautiful girl there as well her boyfriend. She turned out to be Ukrainian. Vienna the capital of beautiful women from elsewhere. I know more beautiful Polish, Russian, Georgian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovakian, Serbian and Slovenian women here than Austrians.

I suppose nothing much has changed from the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The standard of living is higher in Vienna and life is better organised here. So many people from the old Empire still continue to come through Vienna in a traditional pattern. The fall of the Empire is still less than a hundred years ago.



But the evening was not about beauty but music and light. And Gaby’s set flowed so high and far that when the curtain came down hard at 6am the publich was not too happy. The DJ’s had to hide for almost 15 minutes while the organisers worked on dispersing the crowd.

If you get the chance to attend a party where DJane Gaby is at the tables, it is an event not to be missed.

It was a very good thing that Gaby came on. The main event DJ of the night (might be her boyfriend from what I can tell – if so I hope Gaby gives him lessons on playing to a crowd) was a serious letdown. I’m not sure if it was Indika (Mexico) or Phenix (Austria). The music just drifted, not going up or down. No real goa feeling to float on. Just another techno/trance type evening. Lots of enjoyment to be had in the small room though.

There was an after party but I don’t have the force to go somewhere else at seven in the morning. Bed is too sweet. It was a beautiful sunny morning I remember. The day after pictures are actually sunset when I went out for a walk to Heldenplatz and then to Rathaus where I observed the Eistraum. For once, Toronto outdoes Vienna. For the rather cramped skating quarters at Rathaus, one had to pay something like 6 euros to skate. The skating rink at Nathan Philips Square is much bigger and it’s free.



Apparently there is fabulous skating on the Donaukanal. I missed it this year (a good icy skating day is a rotten day for cycling – next year I’ll just have to take the U-bahn).

I haven’t managed to hit the nightlife much for the last few weeks. It’s a combination of things. So much work. And also with the camera, it adds yet another task. I am also tired of all the smoke, both from cigarettes and smoke machines. Too many nights.

And instead of goa a whole lot of balls. Pictures to come shortly.

Vienna world capital of the Viennese Ball and of GoaTrance.

One Comment

  1. Alec, what a wonderful story about Vienna. It made me wish to travel to Europe again. I haven’t been there in 10 years!

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