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one honest man

one of the few americans to have made sense throughout the entire 9/11-afghanistan-iraq fiasco still unfolding is gore vidal. a man with his views, despite his enormous reputation, is not going to get a lot of air time in george bush’s america. but this week the la weekly interviewed him. vidal did not mince words, nor does it look like they edited him down much. run, do not walk, to one of the darkest and most amusing evaluations of the contemporary american and world political situation. on electronic voting machines: We don’t want an election without a paper trail. The…

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favorite late night haunt in vienna | best friends

strange how life can turn out. my best friend in vienna is the best friend of my once and future princess (aka, ex-girlfriend). confusing? both of them are called anna. i see anna more than anna. here we are together in my favorite late night hangout in vienna. it’s called alt wien and is one of the few cafés open really late in vienna. closing hours are variable, says anna, depending on the humour of the waiters and ambience, but on this wednesday night we were there until three-thirty in the morning, recounting mutual tales of romantic woe and exploring…


in fairy tales

there was girl named for a star fair and small, she grew and twinkled always like a jewel: saphires, rubies and diamonds most of all she loved . astrid sparkled in the morning and at night. her mother loved her and took care that nothing hurt fair astrid for she was lovely and unique, a mind full of words and books a fairy tale princess who lived in a tower, the miller’s daughter, cinderella, all the roles of the world lived in her heart. she grew and grew and finally had to leave for the city to study all by…

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vienna can be very dark in winter so one seeks the sun. one of the best places to find it is the hofberg square beside the national library and across from the art galleries. so there i went with philip larkin’s high windows in hand. and was surprised at the strength of his language. i read his poetry at trinity college. my gay professor’s reedy voice did not do larkin justice. he describes a late night dinner in an english coutnry inn: The wine heats temper and complexion: Oath-enforced assertions fly On rheumy fevers, resurrection, Regicide and rabbit pie. he…

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