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An evening at Kittsee Kirtag

Kirtag is an autumn celebration in Austrian villages which usually lasts a weekend in the first couple of weeks of September. At this year’s Kirtag, the music was really great. Happily the weather was good if not exceptional all weekend.

Here’s a few photos.

Kittsee Kirtag foodstands: Obligatory fries and leberkase sandwiches. Fortunately for the gourmets, Bisto Hannah was there with excellent goulash. Subject: Kittsee;Kittsee Kirtag;Kirtag
Kittsee Kirtag foodstands • EXIF 24mm 1/50s f/4.5
Obligatory fries and leberkase sandwiches. Fortunately for the gourmets, Bisto Hannah was there with excellent goulash.
Post-office bar: Kahr/Post Office is turned into an open-air bar, lit by the shop windows. Subject: Kittsee;Kittsee Kirtag;Kirtag;Kahr Kittsee
Post-office bar • EXIF 36mm 1/50s f/4.5
Kahr/Post Office is turned into an open-air bar, lit by the shop windows.
DSC_3275_2_Nik: Delicious 2018 Red Cuvée in elegant glasses poured by off-duty music verein leader Claudia Domschitz. Subject: Kittsee;Kittsee Kirtag;Kirtag;Frey Weinbau
DSC_3275_2_Nik • EXIF 36mm 1/50s f/4.5
Delicious 2018 Red Cuvée in elegant glasses poured by off-duty music verein leader Claudia Domschitz.
Bistro Hanna stand: Constantin collecting an ice cream cone. The goulash is in the silver pot. Subject: Kittsee;Kittsee Kirtag;Kirtag;Bistro Hannah
Bistro Hanna stand • EXIF 24mm 1/25s f/3.5
Constantin collecting an ice cream cone. The goulash is in the silver pot.
Band - Ronne & the Gang: These guys were very good, the lead singer had a rich and acccurate baritone, and his players hit all the notes. This is the best band I've heard play Kittsee. Subject: Kittsee;Kittsee Kirtag;Kirtag
Band – Ronne & the Gang • EXIF 75mm 1/250s f/6.3
These guys were very good, the lead singer had a rich and acccurate baritone, and his players hit all the notes. This is the best band I’ve heard play Kittsee.
Lucia enjoying the fresh sturm from Frey: She's in the Bistro Hannah car, enjoying delicious goulash and the music. Subject: Kittsee;Kittsee Kirtag;Kirtag
Lucia enjoying the fresh sturm from Frey • EXIF 24mm 1/40s f/3.5
She’s in the Bistro Hannah car, enjoying delicious goulash and the music.
Constantin enjoying the music: Most of the evening he played with his friends in an extensive playground with jousting, nut cannon and boat swings. Subject: Kittsee;Kittsee Kirtag;Kirtag
Constantin enjoying the music • EXIF 24mm 1/40s f/3.5
Most of the evening he played with his friends in an extensive playground with jousting, nut cannon and boat swings.
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