Anybody who knows me well, knows that my favorites women in the world are Hungarian. Hungairan women are passionate and intelligent. Education in Hungary is first rate. It doesn’t hurt that Hungarian cuisine is the best food in Europe east of France and north of Italy.

Beautiful Hungarian Women at the Budapest Parade
September 2006 – Photo: Alec Kinnear
It turns out that Hungarian women are not getting the professional opportunities they deserve:
According to an annual study published by the Central Statistics Office (KSH) and the ministry of social affairs and labor entitled “Women and Men in Hungary” (“Nők és férfiak Magyarországon”), while 54% of people participating in higher education are women, only 8% of university teachers are female. Men are also more successful at the workplace, as they still fill most leading positions. In addition, although women are better educated and speak more languages than their male counterparts, they find it more difficult to climb the career ladder, and only 35% of managers are women.
The percentage of women working part-time is much less in Hungary (4.6%) than the European average (25.9%) because of the lack of opportunities for part-time and remote employment.
In comparison to Slovakia and Bratislava where we have 0% unemployment (well probably 1% which is effectively 0%), the situation in Hungary looks promising. Oodles of energetic and intelligent people looking for challenging work. Hungarians have more get up and go than Slovaks (to put it mildly) so the chances of finding people who can really grow in an expanding company are much greater.
Hungarians have 1500 years of history and their capital is 700 years old. Budapest has been one of the top 10 cities in Europe for much of the last four hundred years.
While Hungarian politics are a mess, an underemployed and well-educated eager workforce of beautiful women in a fabulous city looks awfully good.
Why do they “deserve” these opportunities? does that whore in the photo look like she “deserves” some hot-shot executive job? why not just make her Prime Minister? Prime Minister Wiiild Chiiild, reporting for Booooty!
I am very much interested in my family’s culture & very much would love to meet a hugarian woman
oh, she’s got potential all right, man. Just send her over, we’ll take care of everything
Ever think about why she’s doing that? because she has no opportunities… for every outcome there’s a cause think about that
Hungarians have more get up and go than Slovaks (to put it mildly) . . .
I used to live in Bratislava . . .No kidding. They suffered incredible brain-drain.
To emiliano and anti-whipped:
You are sick disgusting people that make me understand why so many women hate so so much men. The feminist are truly what conservatives have called “feminazis” for their hatred against men, but with human garbage like the ones above they will continue their hatred, which will only make turn more emilianos and so on.
That hungarian “whore” deserves as much a chance as any. My grandmother came from hungary where she met my grandfather on ellis island who was also hungarian. My family speaks mostly German….
I am proud to say I am of Hungarian Decent, I hold my Associates degree in Medical Assisting and plan on returning for my Bachelors degree.
I paid for it all while stripping. My family is wealthy but I refuse the money,we own a small village in northern Hungary. I will earn my keep the “american” way and get my education. Im sure as a man if this woman came into your office and looked like this you would be over excited.
I have had many intellegent conversations with men while stripping thanks to my education. So hold your tongue before you speak of someone you dont know.
I must say my slovakian friends have no negativity of “brain-drain” as our grades were very competitive. Slovaks hold a higher sence of tradition then we have in america and i respect them for it. War has truly devided their land but they as a culture stand very strong together. The only place i have found is the hungarian center in barberton and it is very disrespectfull to Hungarians.
This woman is no more outraging then the american woman on girls gone wild. As a Hungarian I applaud her for being intellegent enough to use her body. It is the mens weak mind center that will allow her to move forward. I hold my associates degree at only 20 and am working on my bach. I did it all hile stripping the “american” way. My family owns a small village in norther Hungary and we have money, but i will earn my keep much like she is.
Dear Anna H,
Your comments speak volumes about yourself. Email; we are interested in interviewing you for positions at our company.
Warmest Regards, Jennifer Rodriguez
Hi Anna H.,
Thanks for providing a female perspective on the issue.
Do you prefer life in America or in Hungary?
The comments forwarded digress and miss the whole point of the debate on the role and prospects for educated woman in the Hungarian economy.
I am a male South African Hungarian and have had my prospectives formulated and changed as our recent civil accomodations of colour/class/gender and politics since 1994 has forced us to adress many issues including fair parity and equality to fair labour practices. My Hungarian rearing taught me that although a wife and woman needed to be cuddled in affection by their men…..that their role was of a strictly subjective nature because after all the man from earliest Hungarian history served to lead.
The South African enviroment entertained the same values until independance in 1994 when we as a nation faced change of all the perceptions and courses that have endured over many centuries.
The equalities that was adressed was the mobilization of equality of all genders in the work place….as men we had to endure mind set change…………
The results in our economy are staggering we enjoy the powerhouse of strong vibrant mature and productive woman who are acknowledged in open press to outstanding acomplishments.
I am sure that if the Hungarian government execised the fortitude and courage to legislate equality in the work place…..Hungarians would marvel at the resultant outcomes…………
Woman also need to unite and press home the advantage of their numbers as the whisling beauty in picture lets politics understand that woman voters have a say to their voter representation.
I have been forced to change my views as a man ….change though threatens the percieved norms…but men can change…!! Hungarian men give your beauties wings and see how well they fly…………
Thank God the European women have the good sense to not mare there body with attention getting tattoo of fairy’s and unicorns. BTW, If I see another fucking tramp stamp of a dolphin on the back of some over weight hyper sexual pig that’s slept with 30 guys by the time she’s 22 I’LL FUCKING PUKE!!!!!!
The underemployed for women in Hungray is now developing a world known adult film market and now has surpassed California, but the U.S. is now has had an expolsion of women ages 18 to 65 making adult film as the norm for entertainment and extra income, especially among housewives.
I love hungarian women, I’d love to visit Hungria… and be at the Budapest Parade… why not?
Im not sure about what some people here have come up with about the lady dancing. it appears innocent in nature. Interesting there are men and women alike who assume she is a stripper or whore. My amazement is not gender specific I guess. One fact in America is that men have 30% of their income taxed, and women make 70% of a man’s income. This leaves those men with nothing ! ! !
I fail to understand why the demand for work should be met with any type of tremendous response. There is nothing new about underdeveloped Eastern and Central European countries demanding some form of “fair” compensation in terms of work and using international platforms to voice their complaints. But, if Hungary was seen fit to join the EU then they should see their way to modernizing the politics and social structures of their country with or without the help of the European community. Taking advantage of the political infrastructure would be a welcome way for the Hungarians find to their way out of the hole the Soviet Union’s fall left them in. But, there really is no more room for Europe to further pad the lack of progressive structures and consequently the lack of economic stability and productivity of nation that it so far behind the progress of the rest of Europe as to need more than one or two decades to come up to speed.
I am Swedish and see no reason why the progress has to be on the back of anyone except the Hungarians. Greece and the less applause worthy Southern European economies are holding back progress enough for anyone in business to feel uneasy about the prospect of the long term viability of the joined European market. But, if it is that this will be a nation that wants anything out of being a EU member state then they have to prove themselves more than we have to prove anything to them.
I know my comments may seem farther off topic than many of the previous statements. But, I am looking at the case of Hungary in terms of what exactly they are expecting by means of assistance from outside of their domestic political and economic structure. It may not seem to non-Europeans that the EU is anything more than an assimilative supra-governmental entity. But, this could not be farther from the entire truth. It is not a large structure meant to simply bring order. Because it is an organization that requires financial stability to continue. If say, three more nations start having major inflation issues because their production output is so sub-par in comparison to other EU members that they cannot afford to stay on the Euro it means that other nations like, Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark, etc., have to think harder about whether or not the EU should revert back to its pre-2007 form.
I am sorry. But, I do not care enough about the women or men of Hungary to want to make the issue of modernization for their country become anything other than an issue that is economically independent of their continent and dependent solely upon their nation’s economy alone. As they say in America. There will come a time to cut the grizzle off from the meat. That is if the other, less developed countries do not figure out a way to move ahead.
I just do not know how so many nations in Europe can think that the traditionally slow paced development that has been seen historically will suit the current need for the less developed nations to grow economically into an element of a unified economy that can be stable enough to float as a whole without any of the parts causing a major sinking effect.