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US Election Mail-in ballots 2020 vs 2024

More Canadians suffer from TDS than any other country in the world. Their symptoms are deeper and more bitter than I’ve heard anywhere. Most of the world doesn’t care much, one way or the other, about Trump.1 On 7 November after Trump’s resounding victory in the US Presidential election, the question Canadians are asking themselves is how Trump could win in 2024 with about the same number of votes as in 2020.

Vote count in 2020 and 2024 US presidential elections
Vote count in 2020 and 2024 US presidential elections
Vote count in 2020 and 2024 US presidential elections

Great question. The answer is the absence of ballot stuffing in 2024. Republican and clean voting activists did yeoman work cleaning the electoral register and vetting incoming postal ballots.

Wackford Squeers wrote a concise summary.

Some lib asked “18 million ballots were rejected and purged HOW?

Via the good people at and Common Sense Elections.  Thank you, Austin, Texas-based ballot security expert Jay Valentine! 

What Common Sense Elections discovered in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin: 

—Across these states, 660,290 mail-in ballots are tied to registered voters who permanently moved to other states. These absentees number 68,983 in Georgia (far exceeding Joe Biden’s 2020 margin of victory: 11,779 votes); 262,488 in Pennsylvania (which Biden won by 80,555); and 42,043 in Wisconsin (Biden’s by 20,682).

—Voters who moved to other in-state counties total 457,310. These include 65,857 relocated voters in Michigan (which Trump won in 2016 by 10,704 votes) and 169,083 in Pennsylvania (which Trump secured in 2016 with 44,292 votes).

Voters who moved and left no forwarding residence total 146,160.

—Those linked to invalid addresses total 663,514. Pennsylvania is home to 346,505 such “voters.”

—Voters recorded as residing at commercial sites: 4,914. These reflect, among others, “voters” at Las Vegas’ Harry Reid International Airport and a vacant lot at 9145 Mann St., Las Vegas.

—A staggering 916,100 voters are enrolled with missing or incorrect apartment numbers. This boosts the odds that postal workers will leave unclaimed ballots in lobbies or mailrooms, where harvesters can retrieve and abuse them.

—All told, these screwy ballots total 2,848,288—in just these six states and involving only these six anomalies shown here. Deeper and wider scrutiny has yielded graver worries.

The good news is that Common Sense Elections’ technology identifies these suspicious destinations. It then asks county clerks not to send them mail-in ballots.

CSE also monitors ballots that are filled in and returned. It flags those that arrive from fishy addresses and advises election officials not to count them.

Mail-in and expatriate ballots have become the most popular election fraud method. The way to stop it is to only allow in-person voting with paper ballots which can be recounted. If someone cannot be bothered to show up with official ID to vote, that person does not deserve to have a vote. If this means a certain number of seniors cannot vote, so be it. It’s an open question that whether people who are so elderly that they cannot move or follow the news are qualified voters.2 Having a pulse should not be the only requirement to cast a vote.3

Would it have been better for the United States to have had Donald Trump as president for two consecutive terms or with an interrupted second term is a question for which we’ll never have an answer. In principle, for the deep changes Trump and his supporters (including Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr) would like to implement, today is a more propitious time than in the middle of the mock pandemic.

That the USA has figured out how to defuse mail-in ballot fraud is good news for the rest of the world. Let’s hope the trend continues. If our goal is democracy, there’s literally no point in holding dishonest elections.

  1. And for good reason. The policies of the two state parties have been so similar for the last thirty years. Under the uniparty system it doesn’t make much difference who is the US president. 

  2. An exception should be made for people who are genuine invalids but otherwise of sound mind. This exception would not apply to mental illness but only to physical limitations.] 

  3. In many societies, to have the right to a vote required a person to own property. The requirement was put in to ensure that those voting had a stake in society and its long term prosperity. It makes some sense that this threshold was removed to ensure that property owners could not conspire against the working class.

    On the other hand, giving the vote to everyone risks mob rule. The solution is to ensure that almost everyone in society has a stake in its prosperity. If the underclass is very small, mob rule is not a threat. If a society destroys its middle class and leaves only a 1% with an underclass which is about half of society, the decisive role in any election belongs to the underclass.

    Effectively democracy becomes impossible as that class will continue to vote themselves benefits until society collapses. 

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