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Are people instrinsically evil?

Twenty five million people are starving to death in the Sudan, Israelis are murdering and starving 1.5 million women and children in Gaza and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian men die in a senseless war for US hegemony.

Faced with these horrors, many wonder if humans are intrinsically evil? One commenter observed that the corn fuel burned in organic fuel could have fed a lot of starving Sudanese.

In the comments to A Time Of Famine, And A Time Of War… TR3BPilot notes:

I would posit that humans some humans are intrinsically good but most humans are:

  1. just downright stupid
  2. easily manipulated
  3. conforming
  4. non-thinking sheeple.

Every atrocity in history may have been led by one or a few socio/psycho-paths but it was masses of non-thinking sheeple who did the dirty deeds. The“re are always millions who will say “just doing my job” and “just following orders”.

One can blame the zionist-globalist cabals but billions of sheeple are responsible for committing evil acts in their name. One can blame the Jekyll Island oligarchs for the Fed but its hundred thousand some employees bear the responsibility for ruining the USD.

One can blame big pharma for their poisons but millions of imbecilic sheeple in their collective stupidity acquired Mass Formation Psychosis in unison.

It never occurs to sheeple that maybe they should think for themselves and quit following the herd.

We should not let ourselves off the hook. If we have leaders like this and we claim to be democracies, those leaders are our responsibility.

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