Neither side could score in this important game for both sides. Tomas Pirka who has played for UFC Pamhagen since 2012 (since I’ve been watching Pamhagen) played a big role in frustrating the SC Kittsee attack. Libor Hrdlicka was excellent in net. Not much satisfaction for players or photographers. No goals, no triumph, no despair just grey rain and dirty uniforms.
These photos were shot with an Super-Multi-Coated TAKUMAR 135mm f2.5 manual focus lens from 1968.

Vintage SMC Takumar 135mm f2.5 from 1968
There’s certainly better technique required with manual focus sport. The ideal is to set oneself up parallel to the action so that the players remain in focus during a sequence. Most difficult is to shoot an onrushing player. There’s a lot less contrast in these older lenses. They are much better stopped down to f3.5 or f4 (which is how the photographers of the time shot them in daylight), which is what I did after a time.

UFC Pamhagen stalwart (256 games since 2012) Tamas Pirka takes a tumble at the hands of Aleksandar Stanojcic

Nagy zips down the left wing facing just Tamas Pirka before reaching Pamhagen goalkeeper Libor Hrdlicka

Tomas Bastian attempts to get to the ball over the Pamhagen defenders while keeper Libor Hrdlicka follows the action closely.

Neither of the Pamhagen defenders
Fabian Thüringer and Jakob Fischer can quickly clear as Juraj Fuska springs into action

A crowd of Pamhagen defenders cannot clear the ball which floats slowly towards the net.

One of SC Kittsee’s best chances with Juraj Fuska up at ball height but he narrowly loses the header duel against UFC Pamhagen lifer Christoph Koppi

Tamas Pirka scrambles to block Belko’s shot. Jakob Fischer is too late to stop Belko.

Frantisek Nagy is coming in on a long run as Hrdlicka carefully protects the ball

It was a tight game. Libor Hrdlicka did well to get his hand on this dangerous shot and push the ball over the net.

Machovec was unable to slip the bouncing ball past Hrdlicka

Kittsee kept up the pressure in the UFC Pamhagen goal area. Libor Hrdlicka earned his cap today.

Another nice chance that Pirka broke up effectively

Lots of UFC Pamhagen supporters made the fifty minute drive up to Kittsee, lots of cheering for both sides.

SC Kittsee captain Michael Wernecker was fortunate to escape with a warning here. Both sides were frustrated by their inability to score.