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How to say someone is a murderer without saying it:

Abramoff is under investigation by a grand jury in Guam for illegal contracts and money laundering and another grand jury in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. In that case, a former business partner in the SunCruz casino boat company with whom Abramoff had had a dispute was allegedly murdered by three hit men, who have been indicted for the crime. Abramoff’s business partner Adam Kidan made payments from company funds of $30,000 to one of the killers’ daughters, who performed no services for the company, and $115,000 to a firm the hit man owned. Reportedly, Abramoff is not under suspicion for the murder, but he was indicted in August for bank fraud in the case.

Great article about the disintegration of the American system under Bush Republicanism. Gradually their misdeeds seem to be catching up on them (lying about Iraq, replacement of the competent federal bureaucrats with their own cronies – i.e. FEMA, the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson).

There seems to be a last opportunity now to purge the system with Tom Delay forced to step down, Karl Rove appearing again before a grand jury and Bush on the political ropes.

Ultimately, they may have put too much pressure on too many people. When the people turn on their leaders, they turn hard.

No wonder Bush wants to appoint his own personal lawyer to the Supreme Court. If anyone is going to keep him off the scaffold in treason and torture hearings, surely it would be his personal lawyer.

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