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New American strategies in controlling the media – Kill them all!

Attacking and killing the press was official policy. President Bush tried to persuade Prime Minister Tony Blair to bomb Al-Jazeera’s headquarters in Qatar in April 2004.

What’s sad about this is that while Blair was able to dissuade Bush there have been many other reporters – specifically Al-Jazeera – killed in Iraq by coalition forces. It starts to look like policy rather than coincidence.

“If the report is correct then this would be both shocking and worrisome not only to Al-Jazeera but to media organizations across the world”…..The network said that if true the report would “cast serious doubts” on the Bush administration’s explanations of earlier incidents involving Al-Jazeera journalists and the American military.

Peter Kilfoyle, a former defense minister in Blair’s government, called for the document to be made public.

“I think they ought to clarify what exactly happened on this occasion,” he said. “If it was the case that President Bush wanted to bomb Al-Jazeera in what is after all a friendly country, it speaks volumes and it raises questions about subsequent attacks that took place on the press that wasn’t embedded with coalition forces.”

This is clearly part of the fight for freedom. Killing reporters who disagree with you and rewarding reporters who cover up for you.

What would happen if you woke up one day and all your worst fears were realised? Time for another lookat The Parallax View. Wait, reality is worse. The Bush-Cheney administration are murdering openly.

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