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Social Security Shenanigans | Return of Billmon

The American shenanigans with Social Security are mind boggling. Almost out of this world. Spending more on a system that provides less benefits.

The clearest and most amusing look at the Social Security debate comes from Tom Tomorrow.

His archive of cartoons is well worth a look. A persistent skewering of political nonsense – more of which is coming from the right at present than the left.

On a similar note, Billmon is back in 2005. (Without comments, thank heavens. The comment section was too overwhelming. Eventually it became too repetitive. Sadly without trackback. The trackbacks often led out to interesting sites.)

Billmon has shared his unique take on social security twice. There is an hilarious take on Abraham Lincoln’s sexuality. If Lincoln was gay that will pose a great dilemma to republicans many of whom would have to repudiate the statesman as a matter of principle. There is a frightening look at the false science at the US Department of Natural Resources under the Bush administration.

In any case, Billmon is back and in fine form. The entries are shorter this year and made up more often of contrasting exhibits, like this one between Hitler and Bush’s policies in relation to torture.

The clearest and most amusing look at the Social Security debate comes from Tom Tomorrow.

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