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Museumsquartier Vienna | Photo of the Day


Museumsquartier in Vienna is the ancient ecurie of the Emperor. It has been turned into the centre of art and dance in Vienna. Situated at the beginning of Mariahilfer Strasse and a stone’s throw away from Heldenplatz, Museumsquatier is the anchor of cultural life in Vienna. It also has some wonderful outdoor cafés in the courtyard far from the echoing of strassenbann and the noise of cars.

This afternoon it was the site for the afternoon show of Austrian Fashion Week.


Designer Cloed Baumwarner did a great job with the MC duties. She came dressed for the avant-garde design occasion in a dress made of a pair of man’s pants worn upside down. Strange but true.

The garment is cunningly enough made that no one noticed anything peculiar, until Cloed herself drew our attention to its unique provenance.


This was one of the better outfits.


Another example of the typical Austrian couple outside.


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