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Anna Palastanga at Tokari | Photo of the Day Vienna

My friend Anna is a tragic and beautiful figure. Her passion for sushi is notorious. A last beautiful autumn day of dining outside in Vienna.


Many call her the Lady Di of Vienna. Her English good looks come naturally from her father, an English actor transplanted to Austrian soil.


  1. Milton Luiz Torres Pinheiro Milton Luiz Torres Pinheiro

    Hi, my name is Milton, I live in Brasília (Brazil), I Knew this beautiful girl here in Brazil in 1996. Do you remember me Anna. Because I already remember You. See you later. Answer to me. Kisses and embraces. Bye Anna.

  2. Milton Luiz Milton Luiz

    Hi Anna.
    My Email Address:
    Answer to me.

  3. Anna Palastanga Anna Palastanga

    hi Anna, what a suprise!!your name is like mine, i live in you know somebody here?your origins are in italy?my father is from the lake of Como. Where do you come from?i hope you can answer me. my e-mail is so we can talk about it. i’m so happy because by now this surname in Italy is owned by 5people i think..
    i hope to your answer bye

  4. Claudia Claudia

    Hallo Anna,

    erinnerst Du Dich?

    Ich bin die Claudia aus München (Sommerferien 1990). Wie geht es Dir? Ich hoffe Du bist glücklich und hast Dein tanzen nicht aufgegeben.

    Liebe Grüsse


  5. Jady (from Brazil) Jady (from Brazil)


    My name is Jady, and I studied ballet with Anna at the Vienna Opera in 1997.

    I just found Anna Hein, and I almost can’t believe that I found Palastanga at your page.

    Please, if you can, tell her that I miss her and ask her to e-mail me.

    thank you very much

    Jady Cristina

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