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Category: Whimsical

and they’re trampling the flowers too…

“The Queen has every right to feel insulted at the way she has been treated by Bush. The repairs will cost tens of thousands of pounds but the damage to historic and rare plants will be immense. They are still taking an inventory.” from the sunday mirror.

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Eisenhower read nine newspapers a day; Bush prefers his news ‘filtered’

Editor and Publisher’s Carl Sullivan noticed an interesting item about previous presidents’ appetite for news and how they compare with the current occupant of the Oval Office…. Dwight Eisenhower read nine newspaper a day. Bush likes to get his news “filtered.” “I glance at the headlines, just to get kind of a flavor,” Bush told Fox News… “I rarely read the stories, and get briefed by people who probably read the news themselves….the best way to get the news is from objective sources. And the most objective sources I have are people on my staff who tell me what’s happening…

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favorite late night haunt in vienna | best friends

strange how life can turn out. my best friend in vienna is the best friend of my once and future princess (aka, ex-girlfriend). confusing? both of them are called anna. i see anna more than anna. here we are together in my favorite late night hangout in vienna. it’s called alt wien and is one of the few cafés open really late in vienna. closing hours are variable, says anna, depending on the humour of the waiters and ambience, but on this wednesday night we were there until three-thirty in the morning, recounting mutual tales of romantic woe and exploring…


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