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Category: Technology

Mobile phone base antenna radiation and Bees

The parasites, wildlife and other bees that normally raid the honey and pollen left behind when a colony dies, refuse to go anywhere near the abandoned hives.The alarm was first sounded last autumn, but has now hit half of all American states…. And last week John Chapple, one of London’s biggest bee-keepers, announced that 23 of his 40 hives have been abruptly abandoned.Other apiarists have recorded losses in Scotland, Wales and north-west England, but the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs insisted: “There is absolutely no evidence of CCD in the UK.”The implications of the spread are alarming.


Out of in the Nick of Time – eNom are crooks too

It looks like I got out just in time: While the two 50% shareholders fight for control, the company’s hundreds of thousands of customers are getting angrier and angrier…. The only problem is their domain names are locked up, and their authorization codes are being withheld preventing transfers to alternative registrars.

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Web Development Teams – Offshore or not?

If you pay someone $7 / hour (like most Indian Elance developers ask for) of course that you can expect that, as the project progresses, any quality that was in the code will disappear and you will end up paying someone to fix it or lose money since your product won’t work. On the other hand if you find a trusted developer and pay him properly (or even a bit above usual price for an offshore developer – which is still a lot cheaper than hiring an UK developer), he’ll be happy and you’ll be as he will produce quality code.

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oDesk review

Just discovered a great new service, oDesk. It’s pretty technical/business so I’ve posted it to the foliovision website.


Le Monde moves to WordPress

In fact, I was surprised to see them on Typepad in the first place…. Their several thousand blogs are now powered by WordPress (they used to be on TypePad).

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