Anna Hein, Valèrie Simphal, Xavier Perrez – rue Mouffetard.
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Deux photos de Valèrie Simphal, 5 mars 2005.
1 CommentThe transmission tower and the forest. And finally an unrelated picture.
1 CommentJust off the ring but nothing but blackness and the massive wood and iron doors of old warehouses…. You push the heavy wood door, peer inside.
Leave a CommentWarburg was a dismal grey place. Fabien likes to hang out the train station.
Leave a Commentbackergasse is filled with bars and the next street with old brothels – most of them legal and licensed like chez josephine. it’s not just atmosphere. the vienna of shakespeare’s imagination in measure for measure returns to these streets. although mistress quickly’s house was in the suburbs and not in the inner city (ersten bezirk) as we are here. pompei informs her that all the bawdy houses in the suburbs are to be torn down.
Leave a CommentOne of the more beautiful squares in Vienna. I ride or walk through Amhof almost everyday and it is always beautiful but on this afternoon a curious combination of setting sun and dark skies persuaded me to stop and shoot.
1 CommentEnd of summer on the Donauinsel in Vienna. Hélas. For the record the day was the 20 September.
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