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Category: Photography

Nightwalk in Vienna – first district | Nachtweg Wien ersten bezirk

backergasse is filled with bars and the next street with old brothels – most of them legal and licensed like chez josephine. it’s not just atmosphere. the vienna of shakespeare’s imagination in measure for measure returns to these streets. although mistress quickly’s house was in the suburbs and not in the inner city (ersten bezirk) as we are here. pompei informs her that all the bawdy houses in the suburbs are to be torn down.

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Austrian Fashion Week | Austrian Fashion Awards 2004

Last year when I arrived in Vienna, the first time I saw Austrian society was at the Austrian Fashion Awards. Last year’s awards were not very good. They had a DJ in from FM4 which is the hot radio station in Vienna. Their DJ’s have a shared way of speaking with deep voices and a very laid back attitude. A kind of time transporter to the FM of the 1970’s in North America. In any case, this Hermes is much in love with this own voice and did not deprive us of it. He spoke for about two hours of…


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