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Google assumes no responsibility for any pet: growling, barking, chasing, or biting

Aggressive behavior, such as growling, barking, chasing, or biting, is unacceptable….Employees are financially responsible for any damage or cleaning to Google facilities…. Owners must maintain adequate liability insurance against dog mishaps. Google assumes no responsibility for any pet. Following these guidelines mentioned above should allow dog owners to enjoy the company of their pets while allowing all Google employees to feel safe and secure in their work place.

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Au cœur de la Dordogne anglaise

” la good life symbolisée par ces fruits et légumes en abondance, ces produits du terroir, ce restaurant qui sert du rosé et du monbazillac bien frais, le temps qui s’écoule lentement, le soleil. Tout cela dans le décor d’une superbe bastide du Moyen Age”

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Austrian Fashion Week | Austrian Fashion Awards 2004

Last year when I arrived in Vienna, the first time I saw Austrian society was at the Austrian Fashion Awards. Last year’s awards were not very good. They had a DJ in from FM4 which is the hot radio station in Vienna. Their DJ’s have a shared way of speaking with deep voices and a very laid back attitude. A kind of time transporter to the FM of the 1970’s in North America. In any case, this Hermes is much in love with this own voice and did not deprive us of it. He spoke for about two hours of…


Museumsquartier Vienna | Photo of the Day

Museumsquartier in Vienna is the ancient ecurie of the Emperor. It has been turned into the centre of art and dance in Vienna. Situated at the beginning of Mariahilfer Strasse and a stone’s throw away from Heldenplatz, Museumsquatier is the anchor of cultural life in Vienna. It also has some wonderful outdoor cafés in the courtyard far from the echoing of strassenbann and the noise of cars. This afternoon it was the site for the afternoon show of Austrian Fashion Week.

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