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ImPulsTanz Photo Animation: Nina at DanceWeb Party

I’ve been working on some photo animations from my photos from ImPulsTanz with the help of my good friend director Lucas Czjzek.

Here is one of from the DanceWeb closing party 11 August. DanceWebber Nina Kurtela from Croatia was on a real riff:

Click photo to open animation in full post

I really like this animation technique and plan to make a lot more dance animations. Photo animation captures the movement in some ways better than film or video does. It’s a lot easier to edit as well. In the end one can work in much higher resolution. I might try to do a high res version of the above at some point soon, for those with large monitors.

PS. Nina I’m sorry it took me a few extra days to get this posted. Some technical difficulties and too much work since I got back from ImPulsTanz.

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