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Category: Technology

videogames and violence | sex, promiscuity and idle talk

there is a new documentary film making the rounds in sweden called “deadly game”. it suggests that playing video games makes children fat and violent. some argue that there is insufficient scientific evidence to prove this. like large doses of the more violent shows on american television, certainly it would seem to be the case. america does have the most violent society among the western nations (often the murder rate is cited as 10 to 1 with most european nations and the US population is the largest consumer of both their own tv shows and video games), so real life…

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online world of car and truck rentals

today i needed to find some moving boxes and a car to rent. first i tried to find uhaul for the boxes. impossible to find a company website. the top thirty google listings for uhaul toronto have almost all been spammed by a single company. what’s worse that company has a talking doll as its spokesperson. i have written google to let them know about the spammer. next i decided to rent a car, preferably from national as i had some good experience with them in the past and they were not expensive. no luck there either. no company website…

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toronto newspapers | news aggregration

since i’ve been back in toronto, i’ve received two newspapers each day. the globe & mail which is known as a national paper (although it is based in toronto) and the toronto star which is proudly a city paper. the star has its role on the national stage as well as it is sole major liberal voice in canadian newspapers. all the other major canadian papers are part of canwest or southham. canwest’s major contribution to canadian culture has been the rebroadcast of american hit tv shows with canadian ads. they no longer allow independent editorial in their dozens of…

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the alexander library in cyberspace

riding through the vine fields on the way up to kahlenburg today i was just thinking what preposterous prices newspapers like the nytimes charge for archived articles. i mean if you’re preparing a client presentation in an advertising agency sure maybe you’d spend the company money at $3/pop (for a newspaper article?). but nobody is going to spend their own money at those rates. thus an enormous amount of knowledge is effectively lost to humanity. or at least buried. if we are to rebuild the alexander library in cyberspace, it must be possible to access copyright materials for minimal cost….

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sweden leads the way out of the american morass

the americans are in need of democracy aid from the rest of the world, say two young swedes. i’m not certain whether charity towards the americans is in order, but if a little bit of money might bring about regime change in washington… better than bombs.

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truth and fiction | writing for the web

Writing situated within the context of a personal website does not need to be as high in quality as writing that has to stand without this “support.” A piece of fiction is good if these things are irrelevant: (1) when and where it was written; (2) whether ruminations from

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not alone in my frustration

the worst thing about doing web development is one can never seem to leave the computer.some blame it on lousy websites with poor design and slow technology (try buying an airplane ticket online). but i think it’s more the plight of the cyberdamned. i.e. webdevelopers. if you’re not working, you’re reading. if you’re not reading, you’re banking. i have started buying books again, just to have the occasion to read something that isn’t on the screen. the more we try to do online, the more entrapped we become. umberto eco shared some interesting thoughts about technology and reading recently with…

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