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Laura Marling is just the start

If you’ve read uncoy before or worked in the offices at Foliovision, you’d know I have a penchant for female singer songwriters and good taste in the same. One day I was looking for Charlie Fink, I needed his profile picture for a project. And ended up with the peculiar frontman from Noah and the Whale on the I was looking for a different Charlie Fink but read enough of the article to hear that the wrong Charlie Fink had dated an amazing songwriter/singer Laura Marling. Go to the clouds now with some of her tunes off of Once I was an Eagle.

Here’s a fantastic song which comes with a music video to match, Master Hunter. What’s very special for us at Uncoy is that the video is principally a modern dance performance with Marling playing the guitar in the background. Kitty McNamee did a great job with the duet. But the dance is not as indie a production as the music. McNamee is an LA based choreographer with MSA representation who appears to specialise in opera choreography: the strange thing about the bios is they don’t credit the years for the work.


Marling was a kind of early wonder, hitting the scene under Charlie Fink’s wing at age 18. Here’s another Marling hit from her very early years, “New Romantic”.


But if Marling’s sophomore and third albums are folk masterpieces, Noah and the Whale will floor you with The First Days of Spring, a concept album and film, a concept dear to my own heart. Here’s the trailer/first song.


The album goes south in the middle but someone with the ability to create that first song and an album long video deserves some admiration.

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