Managed to catch some Viennale films and a couple of Viennale parties.
The strange thing at the parties is that many of the people there had not been to any films or to just one film. I suppose at the films many of the people had not been to any parties.
If you get the chance, I’d recommend to do both.
While I was at the Soul Powered evening on 31 October I managed to snap some photos both upstairs and downstairs.

Viennale party upstairs Badeschiff

Viennale chat on Badeschiff

DJ on Viennale Badeschiff
JBSL was playing downstairs. JBSL’s music is electronic funk. A good reaction from the crowd but the music was inconsistently energetic. It took the band a good twenty minutes to warm up but the session was less than an hour.
For the future if they would come out rocking a little harder it would be good.

JSBL on Viennale Badeschiff 2

JSBL on Viennale Badeschiff 3

JSBL on Viennale Badeschiff 11

JSBL drummer

JSBL on Viennale Badeschiff 6

JSBL on Viennale Badeschiff 10

JSBL on Viennale Badeschiff 14

JSBL guests 2

JSBL on Viennale Badeschiff 18

JSBL guests 4

JSBL guests 5

JSBL on Viennale Badeschiff 14
All pictures by and © Alec Kinnear. If the pictures look a little dark, lighting was minimal to non-existent in the hold of the Badeschiff.