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Venezualan Election Boycott – Excuse for another Military Intervention

In Venezuala this weekend, an election took place. All of the principal opposition parties boycotted the election.

Why is this boycott important? It provides an excuse for the US military to intervene Venezuala.

the history of U.S. policy in the region shows that the U.S. has a record of supporting and profiting from electoral boycotts. Also, the U.S. is in a good position to pressure the Venezuelan opposition, given the $20 million of funding it has provided opposition groups over the past five years. The U.S., of course, denies any involvement in the opposition’s decision. Still, it served U.S. interests very well when opposition parties boycotted the 1994 Nicaraguan elections and when opposition parties boycotted the 2000 elections in Haiti. In each case, the boycott set the stage, in international opinion, to de-legitimize and smooth the path for the eventual defeat of left-leaning governments.

There is a lot of more useful information on the election in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at the site above on Axis/Logic.

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