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Free or Not: the Case for and mostly Against Micropayments

There is a certain amount of anxiety involved in any decision to buy, no matter how small, and it derives not from the interface used or the time required, but from the very act of deciding…. The desired state for micropayments – “Get the user to authorize payment without creating any overhead” – can thus never be achieved, because the anxiety of decision making creates overhead.


Exit Polls Contradict “Official Results”: Another Steal for Bush?

I believe that the mandate of the Bush team was to keep things close enough that they would be able to gerrymander the election without getting caught out. All the Democrats need to contest this election is a clear demonstration in even one state of foul play with the electronic voting machines or of discarded or incinerated ballots or of partisan ballot counts or of extensive disqualification of eligible voters.


The Election Lost: Everything Points to Diebold and Manipulation of Election Results

Atrios – Edited Comments on the Election Lost: Everything Points to Diebold

If voters can be challenged, why can’t the machines be challenged? With all the lawyers available, it looks like the voting machines could be opened to examination in questionable exit poll/real poll precincts and thoroughly reviewed by software engineers (don’t go back to Diebold to get the source). There might not be a “software” trail but who knows.
fletch | Email | Homepage | 11.03.04 – 1:36 pm | #

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Nightwalk in Vienna – first district | Nachtweg Wien ersten bezirk


this is the view from the Urania hotel (Viennale film festival centrale). you are looking at stephansdom – the central cathedral in catholic austria – in the background. the wide road runs parallel to the danube (donau river). about midnight.

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Hey Northern Europeans – You’re Irrelevant! Warm Congratulations from San Francisco for Elfriede Jelinek

Big news in Austria over the last week has been the awarding of the Nobel Prize for literature to their citizen Elfriede Jelinek. A controversial writer even in Austria, this is a brave and forward-looking decision from the Stockholm-based jury.

Jelinek is no New York Times bestselling author. But not content with their president’s failed commandeering of the United Nations, many Americans would like to put the Nobel prize jurors in their place and assure a more level playing field for American writers.

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