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ImPulsTanz 2006 Coverage

ImPulstTanz 2006 is fantastic. The limited coverage you see here has nothing to do with the programme. I’ve missed wonderful things, like the opening night with Anna Teresa de Keersmaekerr which I have from reliable sources as unbelievably wonderful.

My apologies for the limited ImPulsTanz coverage this year. My commercial business is growing by leaps and bounds. We have new employees and new offices and new clients and there is only one of me. I’ve also spent a lot of my discretionary time in the last few months more or less successfully learning German.

Finally truly learning that the only capital we only really have is time.

One of my projects for 2006 and 2007 is to make myself replaceable in my own business so that I will be able to spend most of the month at ImPulsTanz next year.

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