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Reexamining 9/11

While we are questioning the Bush/Cheney Presidency it is high time to reexamine 9/11. To anyone who has lived in the world and followed world history, the whole event has a false aura to it.

How could such a thing happen without insider collaboration?

My own take on the 9/11 is that the idea of flying jetliners into buildings was a long-time plan of al-Queda. The American intelligence services were aware of this plot and allowed it to proceed – even acting as enablers. The motivation was to allow the Project for the New American Century to be put into action. Goal number one was invading Iraq. To their consternation, the neocons found themselves obliged to invade Afghanistan first.

It’s not complicated.

There are any number of paranoid and weird websites which talk about no plane flying into the Pentagon, kidnapped citizens, etc… Nonsense.

Finally there is a website which covers historical precedent (the Reichstag Fire, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, Kuwait) and mechanics (NORAD’s no show, demolition tech) and motive (manufacturing enemies, empire expansion, petroleum pursuit) in great detail.

Highly recommended reading. Pay especially close attention to the Pearl Harbor section. It is one of the most shocking incident of political cynicism in the history of the world and a clear precedent for 9/11. The short version of the story is that F.D. Roosevelt and his closest advisors knew well ahead of time about the impending attack but deliberately kept that information from the Pacific commandeers.

Why? Without an act of aggression against America, Roosevelt had promised not to take the country into war. By 1941, he and his advisors wanted to take America into the war but needed a pretext. The massacre at Pearl Harbor was exactly that.

Something like the PNAC/Bush/Cheney presidency and the Middle East (beginning with Iraq).

The difficult situation for the principals is that when they are driven from political office if/when these actions/this inaction are revealed, they become international war criminals subject to prosecution in the Hague for launching a war of aggression and as well as domestic traitors (allowing the murder of 3000 innocent civilians in the World Trade Center).


  1. Bushwick Bill Bushwick Bill

    Ha ha! Ha ha! You gots the mind of a lunatic (to quote one of my band’s (the Geto Boys) songs. I knew you were a lunatic, because of your Nazi-like attack on all Americans, but now that you’re delving into the world of 9/11 Conspiracy theories I don’t even have to bother refuting you! You’ve refuted yourself, by joining yourselves to the Holocaust-deniers, the Flat-Earthers. ha ha! Maroon!

  2. Who said anything about the Holocaust or Galileo?

    The issue at hand is whether the current American administration had any inkling about the impending terrorist attack on America. I’m not certain if they knew its exact form, but that this “unexpected and shocking attack” on America, served to impose martial law on the USA and allow torturers and murderers to reign openly in the name of Jefferson and Lincoln – that much is certain.

    When investigating a crime, the first suspects are those who profit most from the said crime.

  3. Bushwick Bill Bushwick Bill

    Alec asked:
    “Who said anything about the Holocaust or Galileo?”

    I did. I regard 9/11 conspiracy theorists in the same mental league as Holocaust-deniers and Flat-Earthers. I mean really, I’m no defender of GW’s administration, just look at the appalling incompetence with which it handles nearly everything it touches! Do you really think this incompetent administration was competent enough to cover everything up? Ha. Or perhaps the administration’s incompetence in eveything else it does is intentional!! To throw us off the tracks!! ha ha If you do believe that, you spent too much time at Jamestown sipping Kool-Aid.

    Then Alec said:
    “The issue at hand is whether the current American administration had any inkling about the impending terrorist attack on America. I’m not certain if they knew its exact form, but that this “unexpected and shocking attack” on America, served to impose martial law on the USA and allow torturers and murderers to reign openly in the name of Jefferson and Lincoln – that much is certain.”

    Yes, you just deftly backed away from your charge that the Bush administration was behind or had prior knowledge of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by saying that even if they had no prior knowledge, they benefited. What unbelievable strings of illogic you weave. In any case, if your charges against Bush were true (which they are not), it would still place him in the league below Lincoln, a president who invaded a sovereign nation (the Confederate States of America), imposed martial law on, and suspended habeas corpus for *American* citizens.

    Then Alec trots out the old “cui bono”:
    “When investigating a crime, the first suspects are those who profit most from the said crime.”

    Yes, yes, it’s always good to ask “cui bono”, but it’s only a tool. That someone benefits from a crime does not in itself prove that the crime was committed or condoned by the beneficiary(ies). After all, sellers of bottled water and plastic sheeting and flashlights and batteries have reaped enormous benefits from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in the southern USA. Did those manufacturers and distributors conspire to deceive the officials of FEMA and New Orleans and Louisiana to ignore the perils? Ha! That’s it! That’s it! Since the distributors of those products benefited from Hurricance Katrina, they must have been behind it!

    I welcome criticism of my beloved United States of America. I just wish the criticism were rational. I wish the criticism were offered in friendship. But that’s okay, we know how you in the rest of the world treat your benefactors, and we won’t forget it. The American people have very long memories.

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